Our Optics and Optographics product line comprises the generation and replication of precision optical patterns and parts such as reticles, resolution targets, encoder discs and scales, prisms, mirrors, beam splitters, filters, lenses and step wedges. The patterns are most commonly vacuum deposited chrome on glass; however, we also work with other pattern materials such as silver, inconel, aluminum, and photographic emulsion. Other substrates include plastic, fused silica (quartz), sapphire, mylar film, zinc selenide, silicon, germanium, and zinc sulfide. We have some catalog items, but over 90% of our sales are items fabricated to meet customer's drawings and specifications. The products are used in fire-control systems, optical encoders, guidance systems, and other types of optical, electro-optical, and laser based systems operating in either the visible, infrared, or ultraviolet portion of the spectrum.